Mount Barker Dogs & Cats

For those who were not aware approximately 10,000 unwanted dogs and cats are euthanized each year in South Australia.

In an effort to increase the chances of a lost pet being returned to its owners, encourage responsible pet ownership and reduce the number of unwanted animals ending up in shelters, SA has had its biggest ever shake up of their dog and cat management laws.

After a long and thorough consultation process, the new SA dog and cat legislation came into place on the 1st July 2018 and include:

– Greater control over cats.

– Mandatory micro chipping of dogs and cats.

– All dogs and cats to be de-sexed. (Exemptions for working dogs & registered breeders).

– Compulsory breeder registration.

– Centralised control via the Dog and Cat Board.

– Increased penalties for non-compliance.


A detailed summary can be obtained from the Dog & Cat Board.


Image by Katie Shannon, from the facebook group Aussie Danes.